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When the Body Talks is in service to embodiment through the regulation and expansion of our nervous system.


Join me for this 5 month guided program:

  • Hours of video teachings you can watch at your own pace

  • Daily prompts to write on your journey and receive digital coaching from me

  • Weekly Wednesday night calls live with me and recorded for re-watching if you are unable to attend.


It has thus far been one of the most powerful programs I have been honored to lead. We go into teachings that reach the root of many misalignments that lead to body ailments and mental issues. It is a gentle supportive place while also being impactful and transformative.


I hold a space and structure to practice skills for the foundation of a regulated, neutral nervous system that is expanded to hold more feeling in your body as opposed to living mostly in your mind.


The beginning will focus on hydration, feeding, sleep and movement; with prompts to become aware of your current practices in these 4 areas as well as the places you would like to pursue a higher level of mastery in self care. Can you even hear your body's signals in these areas?


The middle will focus on how trauma, grief and other emotions are stored in the body's tissues throughout our life and healthy natural skills to let this heavy energy go after carrying it far to long.


And the final portion will focus on integration. Exploring how the information you have gathered and the skills you have begun to practice in the course are unique to you. This can then lead to significant permanent changes to the way you function on a daily basis moving forward as your foundation with an expanded nervous system capacity.


This entire journey will also focus a lot on what each person individually learned about their particular practice vs. what they thought or had been doing previously. No two people will have the same experience and it is created to help you listen more to yourself. â€‹â€‹â€‹

Listen to the Podcast Episode

Amy Watson is a previous participant of the program When the Body Talks and creator of the podcast 'Wednesday's with Watson'. We discuss what this program is all about and she generously shares the impact it has had on her life.  If you want to hear a bit more about the program, get a taste of how I teach or listen to a first hand participants experiences please give this episode a listen. And you might find that she has other material that speaks to you as well.

Reviews from WTBT

"... she gives you a foundation and supports you as you find your own solutions, as YOU find what works for YOU. I found Lauren’s calm inner peace to be very helpful as I sought to rediscover how to hear and take care of my body. I had forgotten how important it is to my overall well-being."


"Taking this course was a totally new and refreshing experience. It began slowly and addressed some basic, simple practices that had never been suggested to me before. In the process, I discovered that my body had a lot to say to me but I had never learned how to listen."


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